Hola and welcome to my blog! I have recently been inspired to start a blog and thought as its the beginning of the year (well sort of) now would be a good time make one!
I aim to write a post at the end of each week - kind of like a weekly diary, as well as random posts on beauty products I am trying and well, anything else I decide to blog about!
So without further a do (is this the right saying?) Here's what I've been up to this week:
On Tuesday I had a minor toe operation and as a result have been unable to do anything/go anywhere due to the rather large bandage on my big toe making difficult to walk. I am also under strict instructions to walk and stand as little as possible (broke these instructions a few times already, oopise!).
To keep me company my friend Kelly came round on Thursday with lots of goodies!! Kelly is that friend that everyone has who brings out your immature and childish side, we are constantly laughing and acting silly! To keep us occupied we made flour babies and decorated the fruit with faces (like I said; childish, immature, silly!) We also ate an unbelievable amount of sweets, chocolate and other yummy goodies.
On Friday, after having my toe redressed at the doctors, I ignored the nurse's instructions to sit down with my foot up and went shopping with Kelly instead. One of my new years resolutions has been to take better care of skin, so far I haven't made much of an effort to stick to this but I did buy a cleanser and toner from the No7 skin range, a 'rich regenerating night cream' from Nivea which is aimed at those with dry skin (which I suffer from) and some facial exfoliation pads from Botanics. I am to use these products everyday and hope to notice a difference! Now is a good time to buy from No7 as their products are on a 3 for 2 offer at Boots, Boots also give out £5 off No7 skin care and £3 off No7 make up vouchers so I made the most of these deals!
I may do a post to review these products in a week or 2 once I've had enough time to try them out.
Can anyone recommend other cleansers, toners and moisturisers which work well for dry skin?
What have you been up to this week?
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